
Comienza a configurarme

🎉Thank you for choosing Vexy for your server moderation.

📜 Prefix

The Vexy prefix when entering your server is > this can be changed by you, all you require are the following permissions: Manage Server.

  • Change the prefix - To change the prefix of the bot you will have to execute this command:> setprefix example:>setprefix?.

  • Arguments - The "arguments" given cannot exceed 2 letters, as well as cannot contain spaces.

  • Permissions - The required permissions to run use this command are: Manage Servers This is so that people with normal rank cannot change it for the purpose of annoying.

🤐 Mute

In order for the mute / unmute commands to be carried out, the following must be done.

  • Introduction - To begin you will have to establish the muted role, this will be the one that will be given when executing the >mute command, it is important that this role does not have permission to speak.

  • Select the role - To select the muted role you will have to execute this command >setmute @MutedRole in case this is not selected the bot will always give you an error.

  • Permissions - The permissions required to run use this command are: Manage Permissions this is so that people with a normal range cannot change it in order to annoy/ruin moderation.

💡 Reminder

Remember that the Vexy role has to be above any member role, in case of not getting on top the bot will give you an error when using Moderation commands.

Last updated