
>ban [user] [reason] - Ban the specified user

>unban [user] [reason] - Unban the specified user

>slow [time] - It will set the slowmode while you set example: >slow 5 this will set the slowmode to 5 seconds

>mod [user] - This will "moderate" the username of the specified person

>unmod @user - This will remove the moderation from the username of the mentioned person

>kick [user] [reason] - Kick the specified user

>warn [user] [reason] - Warns the specified user

>unwarn [user] - Removes a warning from the specified user

>warns [user] - It will show you the warnings of the specified user

>mute [user] [time] - Mute a user for the specified time

>unmute [user] - Unmutes the specified user

>clear - It will delete the messages specified by you. (maximum 1000 per command)

Last updated